
Enjoying the Simple Things

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Over the past month, my life has needed to become more simplified.  The reason it has had to is because of a sweet dog that needed a home.  It is almost 3 years since our family dog passed away.  Never thought of getting another dog until this past year.  I was open to it but my husband was not so I put the idea aside.  Unexpectedly, about eight weeks ago my husband learned of a dog needing a new home because his owners were moving and could not take him with them.  I was surprised and unprepared but excited to welcome a dog into our home.

Although he is a wonderful dog that is bringing fun and joy to our family,  it has been an adjustment having a dog again.  I had to adapt my schedule accordingly.  Life can get hectic and complicated so taking a step back to focus on simple things is a nice change.  It is a privilege to own a dog and being able to spend time with him is important.   As he has been getting comfortable in his new home, I have been able to take time to appreciate and enjoy a less hectic schedule.  Often life becomes overwhelming and we miss taking time to take a step back to remember what is important.  I am blessed to be able to have the opportunity.  I hope this holiday season, you can take time to enjoy the simple things as well.  . 

My Little Christmas

As I reflect on this holiday season, I appreciate the simple things.  Having a fractured ankle and being on crutches and not being able to drive helps me be reminded of my blessings.  As an advocate for mental health, I had never experienced what it was like to have a visible challenge.  I am finding there is much more compassion when you have a visible disability as opposed to an invisible disability.

So as I celebrate this holiday season, I am having a simple Christmas. It is good to go back to the basics.  My heart goes out to those that are experiencing life challenges and do not have any support.  My new experience is helping me to have a new perspective and motivates me more to continue my advocacy efforts.

No matter what the situation, remember each day is a new day.  May you all have a Merry Little Christmas!