The United States recently celebrated Independence Day on Saturday, July 4th and for me, personally, it was a day to celebrate my “independence” from menstrual cycles. July 4th, 2020 was exactly a year since my last menstrual cycle started so I am now officially in menopause. Yay for me! I am blessed to have been able to go through the process with all my body parts and naturally. I learned that many women…
My "Independence" Day
The United States recently celebrated Independence Day on Saturday, July 4th and for me, personally, it was a day to celebrate my “independence” from menstrual cycles. July 4th, 2020 was exactly a year since my last menstrual cycle started so I am now officially in menopause. Yay for me! I am blessed to have been able to go through the process with all my body parts and naturally. I learned that many women…
Thanksgiving Blessings, Written 4 Days Late
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday especially since 24 years ago my son was born. I am so blessed and thankful especially this year. Although 2019 has been a challenging year health wise, I am thankful to have a clarified diagnosis, a smoother transition into menopause, especially now that I know my only medication is increasing the hormone prolactin in my body. Don’t understand all aspects yet as waiting a referral to an endocrinologist but basically my body is producing breast milk and I have symptoms of pregnancy despite a negative pregnancy test (My hubby and I were always open to having more children but we never could have a successful pregnancy since our son was born. I am thankful to have one child.) My psychiatrist referred me to my gynecologist after my lab work showed the hormone was high. The medication I take for my brain condition is helping me so stopping the medication is not an option. Thankfully, I am able to work with a wellness advocate now too, who has helped me get on quality supplements and essential oils, which are helping tremendously. My pharmacist reviewed the supplements and there are no conflicts with my medication. It has been an integrative approach for me. The medication, supplements, walking my dog, physical therapy exercises and support are all helping me during the transition into menopause. I try to jump a few minutes a day too since I know how healthy it is for your body.
Learning about the increase in prolactin hormone and clarifying my diagnosis has been so helpful because now I am able to better understand my health condition and manage my health along in conjunction with my doctors. Thankfully my brain condition is managed well with the integrative approach. I am blessed to be able to eat healthy and more often, take naps if needed, start a little volunteer work until can do paid employment once again, and spend time with my support team. I am blessed to currently not work outside the home so I can better manage my health as I complete my transition into menopause. 4 months without menstrual cycles (one year without is when considered menopausal), is nice, but interestingly could nurse a baby with the hormone increase. Unusual so I thought. When I asked my gynecologist if i was the only patient he had that was menopausal but producing breast milk, I was surprised, he said, “no.” Not sure why.
I am blessed to be able to care for myself and be under the care of quality doctors, who are helping me as well. When I feel guilty about taking care of myself as priority, I remember the airline flight announcement, “put on the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting others”, I am mindful that I can’t help others, if I don’t help myself first. So I am thankful for many things this year but especially my health, my family especially my husband, my son, my parents by marriage, friends and loved ones. No matter what the circumstances you may find yourself, I believe there is always something to be grateful for so I encourage you to remember what you can be thankful for. I am thankful to have been taught the concept of being thankful. My goal is to not to complain anymore but rather be thankful instead. As a believer, I know the Lord is good and I thank Him everyday for my blessings. Not sure when I will have time to write again so I wish all who read this a peaceful and joyful holiday season even if dealing with challenging times.
The Challenge of Perimenopause/Menopause
Article I Learned about in January 2019
I am blessed to be able to share this post. I am in the midst of perimenopause, the transition period leading up to menopause. I am told that under normal circumstances, menopause is a year without periods. The longest I have gone so far is 3 months. I am blessed to have all my body parts and going through it as natural as possible other than my brain medication. As one with a rare metabolism (1 to 2 out of 1,000), my transition is not as easy as it is for most. The above article talks about the challenge of this time for some women. I discovered the BBC article in January 2019 while on my road to recovery from the worst of my transition. Not much research available even in the United Kingdom.
I recently got back from the annual PSI Conference in Portland, Oregon. As challenging of a trip it was, I was blessed to present some of my lived experience and share the stage with Dr. Christi Hibbert. The title of the presentation was The Hormone Factor. Despite technical difficulties and nervousness on my part, so much important information was shared in the short time given to present.
I learned that our 2nd brain is our gut so what we eat is critical to our health. Also that under normal circumstances, there are differences between the male and female brain. I believe we should embrace these differences and work together to find optimal health for each individual. We are individuals and each of us is unique. We know general things but each person has to find what works best for his or her body and health. I am blessed to have good access to good healthcare. Many do not.
I will continue to write this blog post as I am able but my focus right now is my family and my health. I am grateful for the journey I have had and look forward to my future journey. Thank you for sharing my journey with me.
Natural Disasters are Devastating so Help and Support are Important
Since there seems to be many natural disasters in recent years, I am re-sharing a blog I wrote back in 2012. Devastating as natural disasters are, there is always hope and a community usually comes together to help one another. Praying for all that have been impacted by natural disasters.
With the recent devastation from Hurricane Sandy, one of the worst storms in U.S. History, I thought of the impact the storm has taken on the mental health of those that were in the path of the storm. How does one cope when everything is lost or destroyed by a natural disaster? How can a person survive the trauma of witnessing the destruction in their community, or Worse Yet, if the Life of a Loved One is Lost? How do you survive when your basic needs of shelter, food and water, are not being met?
The questions I ask are difficult to answer. The answers may be different for each individual. It is important that people who have been victims of a natural disaster get the help they need. I have pondered these questions and will attempt to answer them from my perspective and from what I have learned while considering the answers.
How Does One Cope When Everything is Lost or Destroyed by a Natural Disaster?
The answer to this question is probably different for everyone. Different because each individual is unique. The coping skills one person has may be not be the same as another person. Despite the differences, there are some suggestions that may be helpful for everyone. First, be tolerant of what others are experiencing, try not to dwell on the event or disaster, recognize and accept your feelings and the emotions your are experiencing. Anger, sadness, fear and helplessness are all normal reactions. It is important to talk about your feelings in order to begin the healing process. Losing everything is devastating and coping with it may seem impossible but do not give up. In time, with help and support, things get better.
How Does One Survive the Trauma of Witnessing the Destruction in their Community, or Worse Yet, if the Life of a Loved One is Lost?
The post-traumatic stress that occurs after a natural disaster is tremendous. It may take years to overcome. It is for this reason that you should be patient and recognize that surviving is going to be a long and difficult process. Being proactive will help you. Yes, it will take others helping others to survive. Destruction in a community will hopefully pull the community together. It takes many individuals to build or rebuild a community. Connecting with others can ease the feelings of helplessness. Trauma is something that cannot be overcome alone. When loved ones are lost, it seems unbearable. Recognize that grieving is a process and recognize that it will take time to heal and be able to reach a place of hopefulness.
How Do You Survive When Your Basic Needs of Shelter, Food and Water are Not Being Met?
This is a difficult situation because we can not survive without having our basic needs met. In times of disaster, it is critical that outside sources are able to provide for the needs of the individuals, who are affected by the natural disaster. Depending on the situation, it may take time to reach the community, who has experienced the disaster. When preparation is possible, there is often a supply on hand of food and water so food and water are usually provided as soon as possible. But if your shelter is gone, I can imagine the hopelessness. Rebuilding a community takes time but so often the people in the community rise up to the occasion and reach out to others that are in greater need than they are.
Although I, personally, have not experienced the devastation that many have experienced due to a natural disaster, I have directly experienced the aftermath of hurricanes. It may take years to overcome such devastation both materially and mentally. However, there is hope and hope is what has to keep you going.
There is so much to cover on the topic of natural disasters and mental health. I barely scratch the surface in this post. I encourage those affected to seek professional counsel whenever possible.
Coping With a Disaster or Traumatic Event
David Baldwin’s Trauma Information Pages: Disaster Mental Health
We Can Overcome Challenges
I apologize for the gap in blogs. My last one was in August. The past 4 months have been very difficult as I enter into a menopausal time in my life. Not there yet because you are considered menopausal if you haven’t had a period in a year. Well back in July, I thought being in “menopause” according to my doctor meant no more periods. That has not been the case and my brain condition has been aggravated. Thank God, it is better now but has been a challenge. The year ends on a positive note because with access to excellent healthcare professionals, family and friends, I am truly an overcomer.
It was two years ago that I was recovering from a fractured ankle. I remember how challenging that period of time was in my life. I had never had a physical challenge previously so it was a new experience for me. The restrictions I had and the inability to drive (it was my right ankle) gave me a perspective that I had not had before. I learned much from my experience with a physical challenge despite having an invisible challenge for years.
In January 2016, I was honored to write a post for The Mighty. I recently reviewed the post and it reminded me of how differently an individual with a visible challenge is treated compared to an individual with an invisible challenge. The insights I learned helps motivate me to continue to strive to decrease the stigma and discrimination that so often is directed towards those with an invisible challenge. I share the link to the blog post below. May it bring insight and awareness to others. Many blessings to you in 2019
What Hurting My Ankle Made Me Realize About Having an Invisible Illness
Saying Wedding Vows is Easier than Living Them
30th Wedding Anniversary Flowers
As I write this my husband and I recently celebrated our 30th wedding is a miracle we made it past 17 years as we nearly divorced. Saying wedding vows may come easy but marriage is hard. Marriage is supposed to be a lifelong covenant you make to one another, in sickness and in health through all challenges including financial. I am forever grateful that I have a husband that continues to honor those vows.
My medical challenges over the years have been difficult on me and my family. For those of you that read my book, A Mother's Climb out of Darkness, you know that I would not be alive today without my faith as well as the dedication and support of my husband. I am forever grateful. The difficulties of my health challenges is what nearly ended our marriage in 2005 but thankfully, I found peer support, which was essential for me as it helped change the course of my recovery. Renewing our wedding vows in 2008 at 20 years was important. Life was going well at that time and did for quite some time after but more recent years have been difficult.
I have learned it is essential to not give up on someone you love even when you may not like them at times. Keeping communication open and honest is critical to any relationship but especially marriage. As I am learning to navigate my recently entered perimenopausal/menopausal years, I must have patience with myself and my loved ones, who are doing the best they can to understand while dealing with their own life circumstances.
My hubby and I back in July 1988
In my opinion, marriage requires a dedicated love that needs to remain present despite circumstances. Lots of prayer and good counsel help too. We can not predict the future but we can be certain that life will not always be easy. When you commit to keeping your promises to each other, you can navigate the difficult times together while cherishing the joyful and good times as well.
Additional Reading: How to Cope with an Ill Spouse
We cannot survive without men......
Photo By Jennifer Hentz Moyer
As I write this blog, it is the day after father's day, a special day honoring dads but, in my opinion, really should honor all men even boys, many of whom will be fathers one day. I have been blessed to have several important men in my life. My own biological father, a former World War II pilot, who came home from war, met my mother and gave life to 9 babies, 8 of whom survived, me being the youngest. He loved us all tremendously. My loving, dedicated, hard-working, strong and protective husband, who has been the steady, supportive man that God knew I needed in the journey of my life. I supported him before we married as he took on the tough training of a U.S. Marine Corp reservist. He learned he loved airplanes and that he had the ability to repair them and take on any challenge that he would face in his life.
My husband and I had no idea the challenges we would face as a couple but we were dedicated to each other. We originally said our vows almost 30 years ago. We almost didn't make it past 17 years of marriage because of the long-term aftermath of an illness that struck us back in January 1996. The illness would change the course of our lives forever, but before it struck, I was given a gift. The gift of a beautiful baby boy, who is now another amazing man in my life. Me and my husband's son, who was born just 8 weeks before the illness attacked, has brought such richness and joy into our world.
Despite the many unexpected challenges we have faced as a family, we have been able to keep moving on and help each other the best we could. In my book, A Mother's Climb Out of Darkness, I have shared some of the account of my journey from pre-conception up until 2005. The primary reason for sharing my story was to help encourage other families and mothers to know that they are not alone and there is hope in challenging times surrounding complications related to childbearing. Although the book is written creatively to the benefit of the reader, it is my factual account based on journals, medical records and memories. Maybe one day my son and his dad will have the opportunity to share their perspective, if they choose.
My amazing husband continues to support his family and serve his country as a corporate employee. My son, recently graduated with his bachelor's degree and has decided to continue his studies. The picture, I share with this blog is what I saw on what was once his bed the day after his graduation. It warmed my heart to see the cap and gown with the stuffed animals because, it reminded me that the love he received growing up far outweighed the challenges he faced. The ultimate love of parents, with the help of prayer, professional therapy, as well as support from family & friends, helped him become a caring, considerate and thoughtful man, who now wants to continue to dedicate his life and future career to helping others. The job of a father (and a mother) change over the life of a child but, being a parent is, in my opinion, the most important job on the planet.
The parent's job ideally should never end early, which leads me to another amazing man in my life, my father-in-law (I prefer to call him my dad by marriage:). You never can completely understand another person's journey because we are all unique and each journey is different. I didn't know my dad by marriage when his oldest son died tragically in a car accident when he was just 17 years old. Suffering a miscarriage was the closest thing I had experienced to the loss of a child. But now that I have a son, who is past the age of 17, I can only imagine the pain of the loss. I would not be who I am without the support and love from my husband's father and mother. Not only did they give life to the man, who is my husband, the father of my son and the love of my life, they also supported me, my husband and son later in the journey, when no one else was available. I am blessed that my dad by marriage is still in my life. He is still a dedicated husband, father and grandfather to this day. I only hope & pray that he is still alive on the day in the future that he earns the amazing title of "great grandfather."
I recognize that many individuals have not had positive experiences with the men in their lives. This can make challenges much harder to overcome. I can only speak from my own journey and what I have learned is that overcoming challenges is a process. The process for me has been difficult but not nearly as difficult as the process has been for others. For me, the goal in the process has been to live a healthy, productive, peaceful life in which I can help others and give back to the community. I am thankful that the men in my life have been and continue to be instrumental in helping me work towards my goal. Wisdom, which has come from my life experience, formal and informal education as well as just getting older helps me better understand what is needed in staying focused on the goal AND, thankfully, I am blessed to have access to the care of knowledgeable and caring professionals, whom partner with me so I can stay the course in achieving the goal. Of course, my mission of bringing hope and inspiration to others facing life challenges, is best achieved by being in a place of peace. Although my journey and goal is ongoing, I am thankful to be in the place of peace.
Happy Father's Day! My hope is for many blessings and shalom (Hebrew for overall peace) not just to the men in the world but to each individual facing the challenges of life.
Sincerely & Warmly (as I am currently having a hot "flush"....LOL),
~Jennifer Hentz Moyer~
Vitamin D Fights Depression
Photo by Jennifer Hentz Moyer
Over the years, we have been told to beware of the sun but not getting enough can cause many ailments including depression. Although the best source of vitamin D is the sun, it is not likely that a person can get enough sun to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. The best way to determine if your vitamin D levels are healthy, is to have your blood level checked. Supplementing with vitamin D is often necessary. The article below from talks more about the research and how it can help with depression.
Research shows that Vitamin D fights depression not only in adults but also in children. As a part-time substitute teacher, I am learning that only elementary students get daily recess. Maybe we should bring back time outside for all grades.
Just 20 minutes a Day of Exercise for Brain Health
I was always diligent about incorporating exercise in my wellness plan. When I fractured my ankle back in November 2015, my exercise routine became very limited. For years, my first choice for exercise has been my mini rebounder/trampoline but I could not use it with a cast so it got set aside. The year 2016 was a challenging year due to an accident my husband had and then 2017 came with challenges that I mention in my January blog. So now it is 2018 and thankfully the year has been going well so far. Recently, I had some time to watch the "Protect you Brain" DVD, produced by CBN in 2017. I learned only 20 minutes of vigorous exercise daily is all it takes to lower risk for Alzheimer's, stroke, depression and even heart disease.
So I found myself motivated to resume a daily exercise routine using my favorite way, my mini rebounder/trampoline. The benefits of jumping are numerous but improved immune system is one of them. If on a tight budget, an inexpensive jump rope works well too. Of course, you should always get clearance from your doctor before starting an exercise plan. The benefits of exercise are documented with much research and I was excited to learn how little time it takes to reap them. I have been back on my routine for over a week and I can definitely feel a difference in my mood, ability to focus and even lower readings on my blood pressure.
Also worthy to mention is that the University of Alabama at Birmingham did a study on the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms. The study website link is no longer active but in the past, I wrote a blog on exercise and depression so I am aware that the conclusion of the study was that exercise reduces depressive symptoms in patients with a chronic illness. The results of the study were that exercise does not just mildly reduce the symptoms but it SIGNIFICANTLY reduces depressive symptoms. The study reported that exercise training produced the greatest antidepressant effects in patients with mild to moderate depressive symptoms. Exercise is so important for mental health. Now learning that the benefits for brain health only takes 20 minutes a day of exercise with the intensity that you break a sweat but are still able to hold a conversation, I believe it is much easier to achieve.
I know first hand how over the years, exercise helps me in maintaining my health both physically and mentally. Unfortunately the challenges I faced in recent years made it hard to stick to my routine. Thankfully, I have a renewed motivation to resume my exercise routine. I have been reaping the benefits of yoga since April of last year and now I am excited that I have been able to resume my first-love of jumping :)
Happy 2018! The Year is Starting Wonderfully
I am excited for what 2018 is going to bring. It has already started well with a nice unexpected trip. Thanks to my wonderful husband. I have gotten to see beautiful Crescent Beach on Northern Coast of California and hug a Redwood Tree. Spending time marveling over the wonder of nature is highly recommended. In my situation it was much needed after such a difficult year in 2017.
Moving forward in 2018, I will continue to promote my book, A Mother's Climb out of Darkness. I was told by a college professor that every clinician, working in area of mental health should read my book. That may be an unachievable goal but my hope is that many will have the opportunity. Even though my book was originally released in June 2014, it is still an important book addressing an often misunderstood area of mental health. Unfortunately, I lost the beginning half of 2017 dealing with perimenopause, the tragic death of a close friend, and an adverse reaction to medication change. Although grief is a process that is different for everyone, I am now in a place of well-being that I have worked hard to achieve.
Yes, I know not many will have opportunity to hug an enormous tree but wherever you are, I encourage you to take the time in 2018 to marvel over the beauty of nature.
Interview with Dyane Harwood, Author, Birth of a New Brain: Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder
Post Hill Press @2017
1. Dyane, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I grew up in the beautiful town of Pacific Palisades, Southern California that bordered the Pacific Ocean, hence the name. My younger brother and I had two very loving parents and we had many blessings; however, I had a difficult childhood as our father had bipolar one disorder and his mental illness took an enormous toll upon our family. I attended college at the University of California, Santa Cruz, which was located almost four hundred miles north of my hometown. Santa Cruz was also right to the Pacific Ocean and I lived there for many years. I still live in Santa Cruz County, but I moved to the redwood forest up in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Here we have a variety of wildlife: deer, bobcats, mountain lions and the infamous neon yellow banana slug!
2. Why did you decide to write the book?
After I was diagnosed with postpartum bipolar disorder in 2007, I read books about other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, but I couldn’t find any book that focused on postpartum bipolar disorder. Before my diagnosis I had been a freelance writer for ten years. I felt I had something important to contribute to the bipolar and perinatal mental health literature and that fueled my writing, especially during the many times I wanted to give up the project.
3. As the author of, A Mother’s Climb Out of Darkness: A Story about Overcoming Postpartum Psychosis, I know first-hand the challenges of sharing your story in a book, what did you find most challenging in your book writing process?
Due to numerous bipolar depression relapses, it took me a long time to write the book proposal, the manuscript, and go through the publication process – ten years total. I know some people doubted I’d ever finish the book, including myself, so it was nothing short of a miracle to hold my book in my hands last month. In some ways it was like holding a baby, but the book lets me sleep at night!
4. I recall you were able to reach out for help fairly quickly in the postpartum period but during your pregnancies did anyone ever present to you the risks or general information on any of the perinatal mood & anxiety disorders?
Unfortunately, no medical professional explained the risks or gave me information about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. I was never asked to provide my own mental health history or a family mental health history to anyone. Had there been even the most rudimentary mental health screening done during my pregnancy, it’s possible a lot of my agony and my family’s suffering could’ve been mitigated. Thankfully maternal mental health screening is far more prevalent now, and there’s a much greater awareness of PMADS and the need for screening. I think screening and awareness will improve much more over the next decade.
5. In your book, you mention starting a support group for moms with bipolar disorder. Can you explain a little more about that process (i.e. easy process; how it benefited you, attendees)? Do you continue to facilitate a support group today or are there any other support groups specifically for moms with bipolar disorder?
In my book’s appendix, I have a section that takes the reader through the steps to create, promote, and lead a support group. Participating in support groups helped me because I felt less alone with my mental illness. I even made two friends who helped me through some very tough times. The other attendees often said that being around other women who dealt with mood swings, medication, anxiety, PTSD and more helped them too. Some of them became friends with other members and socialized together. After facilitating support groups off and on over nine years, I decided to stop being the facilitator and focus on completing my book. I’d love to attend a support group as a member, not as a facilitator.
There are support groups for moms with bipolar disorder across the country through Meetup for in-person support groups and online (i.e. Facebook) and I’m sure there are specific groups for moms in some chapters of the DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) and NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). One would need to check in her immediate area by doing online Meetup searches, calling the local NAMI Chapter and/or DBSA Chapter, and search elsewhere online such as Craigslist for specific leads.
6. Anything else you would like to share with others?
I want to remind everyone that no matter how horrible you feel, your mood can get better. For years I couldn’t imagine that my awful bipolar depression would ever lift, but it finally did go away with the help of a caring psychiatrist. Find or ask a loved one to help you find a professional who is on your side. This is a momentous task, but there’s a sea change going on in the psychiatric field. More compassionate, progressive doctors are becoming psychiatrists. If you’re unable or unwilling to see a psychiatrist, talk to a trusted physician or psychologist or therapist. Don’t keep your suffering to yourself. Please ask for help because you deserve to have support and effective treatment in your life.
Thank you, Dyane, for sharing such a difficult journey. Your book helps readers understand postpartum bipolar disorder, especially bipolar depression, in a way that has not been done before.
To reach Dyane, learn more about her or her book, see below
Twitter: @DyaneHarwood
Birth of a New Brian – Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder
Amazon link:
Facebook Author page:
International Bipolar Foundation “Psych Byte” Webinar: Postpartum Bipolar Disorder: The Invisible Postpartum Mood Disorder:
Fall is Finally Here
November has arrived. I am thankful that the fall season has begun. The year 2017 has been a difficult year for me due to hormone changes from perimenopause, the tragic death of a close friend, and several unexpected hospitalizations. Some of the things that happened in 2017 will never make sense to me but I am coming to a place of peace. The stigma relating to mental health challenges is still common. I have always been an optimist and this past year has put my optimism to the test. More than ever I have really had to learn to focus on the positive things in my life.
I am grateful to the those in my life that have been available and stood by me through this challenging year. I continue to have faith and hope despite all that has happened. It can take years to actually reach menopause but I hear it is not so bad once it officially arrives. I will continue to encourage and advocate to the best of my ability as I transition into this new phase of my life. I hope the fall season is calm and a blessing to us all.
Calm in the Storm
As the state of Florida braced themselves for Hurricane Irma, I had a calm and peace that even some of my closest friends did not understand. After all I have been through since January 1996, I have come to learn how to be calm in the storm. The serenity prayer has recently been reintroduced to me and it is a short and simple reminder to trust.
- God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference
I am blessed that my area of Florida only had some wind and a light drizzle from the storm. I wonder if we got some grace having lived through the devastating Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and Hurricane Dennis in 2005. My heart goes out to everyone impacted by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. Natural disasters bring the community together. I hope our communities remain united even after recovery from the storms. Peace and Shalom to all!
How Yoga Helps Me
"yoga"by sippakorn
I was introduced to the practice of yoga in April. I discovered first-hand that yoga not only helps exercise the body but it helps clear the mind too.
In recent months I have had unexpected stress and yoga helped me stay focused on the present. I found the physical movement of yoga helps clear the mind. When I do yoga, my mind is concentrating on the movement of my body so it enables me to not think about anything else.
Although I am a novice when it comes to yoga, the benefits are already felt. Thankfully I have the opportunity to participate in a yoga class twice a week. I can do more often with a DVD that I have. My goal is to practice yoga weekly so I can continue to maintain a lower stress level. I highly recommend the practice of yoga for anyone who is in need of stress relief.
A good resource to help you pick a yoga mat:
Still Waiting on Google Tech Support
Unfortunately, I am still waiting for a human to contact me regarding my google paid webmail account security issues. I have been working on since end of January. Latest update is that on March 19th my support ticket has been noted that I need to speak directly to a support technician. I am told California does not make any telephone calls so Canada/North America technician request is pending. I have heard nothing since so still waiting.
Thankfully, this is occurring at a time that I am addressing some medical challenges so my online access is limited anyway. I appreciate in advance your patience. Not sure when Google will respond but I am patiently waiting. As soon as able, most likely the end of April or beginning of May, I will have situation resolved.
Hope everyone has a blessed spring season.
How Do You Find a Human at Google?
Business lady biting Laptop by Ambro
Lots has been happening in my world since my last blog the beginning of January. Most of it not good. The worst is grieving a dear friend of mine. It has just been a little over a month since her passing. We all need to take time to grieve and focus on the priorities of life during a mourning period.
Another unexpected and frustrating situation has been the hacking of my email and other internet issues. We have become so dependent on technology that when life throws us a curve ball, we need to be prepared. Thankfully, my college degree is in marketing BEFORE the internet was even more than a concept (not showing my age:)
Apparently, even as a paid customer, finding help at Google is a challenge. It took me more than 10 days to find a way to get to a human without having access to the internet. THEN I was taken to support all over the globe even though the headquarters is in California. I finally got a person to call me back after spending almost an entire day on the telephone. BUT I am waiting for my patience to build back up before calling them back.
So please be patient with me and if any strange emails from me have come into your inbox, please let me know. I will hopefully have the situation all resolved before the beginning of next month so can blog about something related to my mission.
Remembering the Challenge
I apologize for the gap in blogs. My last one was in August. The past 4 months have been very difficult as I enter into a menopausal time in my life. Not there yet because you are considered menopausal if you haven’t had a period in a year. Well back in July, I thought being in “menopause” according to my doctor meant not more periods. That has not been the case and my brain condition is better now but has been a challenge.
It was two years ago that I was recovering from a fractured ankle. I remember how challenging that period of time was in my life. I had never had a physical challenge previously so it was a new experience for me. The restrictions I had and the inability to drive (it was my right ankle) gave me a perspective that I had not had before. I learned much from my experience with a physical challenge despite having an invisible challenge for years.
In January 2016, I was honored to write a post for The Mighty. I recently reviewed the post and it reminded me of how differently an individual with a visible challenge is treated compared to an individual with an invisible challenge. The insights I learned helps motivate me to continue to strive to decrease the stigma and discrimination that so often is directed towards those with an invisible challenge. I share the link to the blog post below. May it bring insight and awareness to others. Many blessings to you in 2017.
What Hurting My Ankle Made Me Realize About Having an Invisible Illness
Enjoying the Simple Things
Over the past month, my life has needed to become more simplified. The reason it has had to is because of a sweet dog that needed a home. It is almost 3 years since our family dog passed away. Never thought of getting another dog until this past year. I was open to it but my husband was not so I put the idea aside. Unexpectedly, about eight weeks ago my husband learned of a dog needing a new home because his owners were moving and could not take him with them. I was surprised and unprepared but excited to welcome a dog into our home.
Although he is a wonderful dog that is bringing fun and joy to our family, it has been an adjustment having a dog again. I had to adapt my schedule accordingly. Life can get hectic and complicated so taking a step back to focus on simple things is a nice change. It is a privilege to own a dog and being able to spend time with him is important. As he has been getting comfortable in his new home, I have been able to take time to appreciate and enjoy a less hectic schedule. Often life becomes overwhelming and we miss taking time to take a step back to remember what is important. I am blessed to be able to have the opportunity. I hope this holiday season, you can take time to enjoy the simple things as well. .
Honored to attend the 2nd Annual Warrior Mom Conference
I am honored to have been able to attend the recent Warrior Mom conference held by Postpartum Progress in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference brought together moms, who have been touched by a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder. The conference experience was one of warmth, love and acceptance. The two day event provided information on support, advocacy and much needed self-care. I highly recommend that moms consider attending a future conference. By providing support, encouragement and love to each other, we can be healthier, while building stronger families and communities. Thank you, Postpartum Progress, for all you do to support moms.